
Camp Check–in times/locations are included in the Acceptance Packet. Plan to arrive on time – with your luggage (see packing guidelines) ready for review. Check–in times are specific to your camper so please plan to arrive at that time. Late […]


Please report any Fever or symptoms of sickness to directors immediately. Any Symptoms occurring within 7 days of Camp must be considered and reported. This does not necessarily disqualify for attending Camp – that is a decision that […]


Time to pack all of your clothes, supplies, & equipment for Camp. We have provided Packing Guidelines & Checklist on the Important Info Webpage. Please be sure you include all that you will need for your full week […]


Campers will be notified via Email of Camp Acceptance and will also receive a packet of information in the Mail. Details regarding their specified time/location for check-in are provided. Please read the packet completely. For questions regarding acceptance please contact […]


Directors will meet to approve acceptance of campers. Cabins will be assigned to counselors and campers creating our Cabin Teams. Any campers not accepted will be notified by the Camp Directors.


Please help us recruit our Nurses and Counselors and Side walkers. Post on Social Media or contact your community to let eligible recruits know about the opportunity. See our Volunteer page for more information.


Medical Team will Review the application. Many times additional records or details are required. You will be contacted if needed. Camper Application cannot be considered for acceptance without fulfilling the information requested by the Medical Team. Please contact […]


Camp Directors will contact you with any requests for additional information. Camper Applications will not move forward in process without responses to their requests.


All Eligible Campers should apply online at Campdoc. Applications need to be completed by April 10th. All unfinished applications will not be considered for Camp TLC 2024. Feel free to contact the directors with any questions.


Please check Camper Eligibility and Health Policy so that you understand the requirements for Camp TLC. All Camper applications must be completed online with 100% completion to be considered. If you have any questions please contact the Camp Directors.